My first inspiration to do this came from my college friend Teresa. She had done it before and told me it cost around $300 per session. Listed below are Mira's prices.
armpit : 50000\ for 1 session, 150000 for 5 session
But for me it's all about finding out something about a place, and something about yourself. And when you get off the beaten track, that's where you find out what there is to find out. -The Beach
World Cup Stadium
Security Guards, 2nd Level View, Score Board
N. Korea vs. South Korea Final Score 0-1
Flags Waving, "Friendly" Handshakes, South Korea Team Bow
Sitting in the Upper Level Section at World Cup Stadium
Me & Lu
Special Thanks to Michelle Henke For Her Mad Editing Skills
A few of my training buddies reunited and went bungee jumping at Cheongpu Land, Jecheon, Korea. It is the highest bungee in all of Korea.
Before we jumped, our two organizers, Dave & Mike, decided they would go first and second respectively (decided by Kai Bai Boh -rock, paper, scissors). Nikki and I declared third and fourth respectively because we were the only ones in a group of 10 who had ever bungee jumped (Costa Rica Spring Break 2007). I mentally prepared myself for being fourth to jump...
Before we jumped, we had to get our harnesses on. A group of young guys weighed us giving us different colored sheets of paper. Then they tightened the straps and sent us on our way. Group 1 went up the elevator to the 62 meter or 200 ft platform. When we got to the platform, it was swaying. Below us were groups doing a superman dive (where groups of 2-3 people are raised up and released swaying like a pendulum). As soon as we sat down, the guys at the top told us to pull out our colored papers with scribble from being weighed. Three of us had blue and the other two had yellow. They immediately pointed to me. "You go first." What?! I was so not ready for this. Dave and I argued that we had already chosen an order at the bottom, but the helpers would hear none of it. We still don't know why I had to go first. We still don't know what the papers mean or why the color of the paper mattered. Nevertheless, I agreed. After all, I was experienced. I could give the rest of the crew some courage. I stood on the edge. One helper kept touching my back. I was afraid he was going to push me. I kept telling him to stop counting and give me one more minute. I felt bad for the other four watching my nervousness despite this time being my second bungee jump. After two or three minutes of negotiating and finalizing the jump (on 1 GO!...5...4...3...2...1... AHHHHH!...)
It wasn't as scary as I thought. After all, this was my second time. It felt so long after jumping. All I waited for was the pull back. The second scariest thing about bungee jumping besides actually leaving the platform, is waiting for the first bounce. Once it happened, it felt like I was upright again as if I were standing in mid-air. After the bounce, I twisted so much. It was horrible because I was still hungover from the night before. We had come home at 5am. I threw up all the ramyeon (Korean Ramen) and went to sleep for only 2.5 hours only to greet a wake up call at 8am. We took a 45 minute subway ride to Cheongnyangi Station to catch the 2.5 hours train to Jecheon. At Jecheon, we stood at a bus station hoping to catch a bus that would take us to Cheongpu Land. Thankfully, we found a family headed that way who affirmed that this bus stop would take us to the site. The bus ride was about 25 minutes. It was hot, sweaty, and smelly. The worst part was that it took us up into the mountains, therefore creating motion sickness before the biggest amount of motion we were mentally preparing for--bungee jumping.
Dave at 8am. Drunk & Drunk Dialing for Wake-Up Calls
Cheongpu Land Bungee Jump Map
Cheongpu Land: Lake Surrounded by Mountains
번 지 점 프
Konglish for Bungee Jump: "Bun Jee Jum Puh"
The Platform
62 Meters or 200 Feet
Perfect Form
My Jump