Friday, March 22, 2013

How I De-Stress

This week was undoubtedly the hardest week at my job. As the Marketing Manager, I'm in charge of primarily all email communications among other things. This week was the week we started using a new email marketing system, which meant applying all the skills I learned in four two-hour training sessions and actually launch email campaigns to thousands of people.

I knew this week was coming, but since the start of the year, I've been chasing my tail to finish projects, while other projects are piling on. I'm the type of person that likes to see projects come and go. When I see that I can't get to something that needed to be done weeks ago, I'm frustrated. I could see my stress changing me. I no longer wear make-up to work and often walk into work with wet hair. It's amazing how your mental state affects your exterior.

For the past few weeks, I've been staying late (like past 7pm - and in Australia, that's late), not taking a lunch break and trying to stay calm despite the mounting projects.

On Tuesday, I was feeling exceptionally beaten. On Monday night, I left the office at 8:45pm and woke up early on Tuesday to get to work by 8:30am because I would be launching my first campaign on this new system. All morning, I felt sick to my stomach because I was so nervous about the email blast. By 12 pm, it was launched and I felt a huge sense of relief. I couldn't celebrate my success because I had all the other time-sensitive projects on my mind. One thing to look forward to was 5:45 pm because I knew I would be leaving work to go to soccer practice.

At 5:45 pm, I was still preparing an eDM that had to be scheduled that night because it was running at 7 am the next morning. I was on edge because my friend was giving me a lift at 6:30 pm at Edgecliff Station because I had lost my licence. It would take me at least 30 minutes to get to her from Milsons Point.

I finally walked out at 6:05 pm and reached her at 6:35 pm. Only five minutes late, she was happy to wait for me. I was still fuming at how late I left the office. We then went to soccer practice and my attitude turned.

That night, practice was dedicated to fitness. We had won our game the past weekend 8-0, but what was apparent was our lack of fitness. Our coach had his sights set at turning this picture around. "We're going to do 45 minutes of sprints tonight." I found myself holding my breath and felt a growing lump in my throat as I heard his intentions for the practice. I needed this though. I wasn't sitting at a desk staring at a screen thinking about all the unfinished projects. I was here with my friends, playing a sport I love and doing some much-needed physical exertion to calm my mind.

This practice was exactly I needed. We did three rounds of different types of sprints and endurance exercises. We ended the 1.5 hours practice with a small 6 vs 6 game.

When we were sprinting, I felt my energy levels diminish not because of my physical tiredness, but my mental tiredness. But I enjoyed it. This wasn't work stress, but a way to de-stress from it.

On Wednesday, I had a repeat of Tuesday with campaigns needing to be launched on the new system with my junior knowledge and novice experience. I was successful in launching the campaigns and preparing Thursday's campaigns, but they weren't done without high stress levels, frustration with the unknown and surmounting pressure to finish. Luckily, I have left the office at 6 pm, perfect timing to get to Hyde Park in the Sydney CBD to join my yoga class.

My First Hyde Park Yoga Session

Back in January, a colleague invited me to join her for yoga in Hyde Park, taught by her friend who was offering free classes. I have never done yoga outside of my trusty yoga DVD at home, so it was a treat to find a free class in an outdoor setting so close to home.

Wednesday evening's weather was perfect. It was cool, but not cold. I arrived right on time thankfully. The focus of the class was on our core. We held many poses that tested our mid-section, an area I  will admit is my weakest. Just like sprinting in soccer, working on my core is an area I need to work on, and even struggled with during the exercises, but am glad I did.

Yoga is a great de-stressing activity for me. I am able to clear my mind of all pressures outside of the class and just focus on me, my body and my mind. This mid-week yoga session is exactly what I needed. As I lay on the ground at the end of the class staring at the tree branches and evening sky, nothing else mattered. I was relaxed, at peace and had no worries.

Being an athlete and a work perfectionist pushes my body and mind in ways that I often think are impossible. Back in high school and college, school work was easy and my body was where the work was. Nowadays, it's professional work that is the work and the work on my body is the much-needed escape and de-stressor I've needed. In both areas of my life, I'm challenged and that is the best part of taking on any job, project, sport or activity. I know this busy period will pass and that I'll always get the work done. But I'm so grateful that I have outlets like soccer and yoga to de-stress and keep my sanity through it all.

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