Agima: Korean Old Lady
Visor, Obnoxious Dress, Long Sleeves, Curly Hair, Pollution Face Mask, & Socks with Sandals
Sadly Korea does not celebrate one of the best holidays of all: Halloween! Fortunately, there are way too many foreigners to nix the holiday. All my friends from CDI training and reunited in Boemgye (South Seoul & completely opposite of where I live in NE Seoul at Taereung). I went to the party with Ben and Christie, who had the best costume of the night--sexy kimbap. We rode the subway train with the most intense stares from the other Korean passengers. They just couldn't understand why Christie was holding a seaweed skirt and a Ramen noodle cup bra. We were actually approached by our first Koreans on this trip down to Boemgye. The first curious one offered Christie and I oranges and asked what we were doing with the seaweed skirt and Ramen bra. We explained that we were going to a Halloween party, although it was already November 1st. On October 31st, we had a the un-Halloween celebration because we get off work at 10pm and nothing ever goes down until after midnight in Seoul on Fridays. We did manage to wine it up in Itaewon and get real saucy. He spoke English pretty well and rode with us for about 10 minutes. The second curious Korean was a 23 year old in the Korean military. I had my first cell number exchange with a Korean! His name is Seo and was very cute. He offered to take me to the base whenever I wanted. Visits to the military bases in Korea are coveted because they offer western amenities such as the beloved Taco Bell and grocery stores that sell cheese, deodorant, and Crest--a few uncommon things in Korea. Maybe I will take him up on the offer. I do miss me some Cheesy Gordita Crunch. The best part about the subway ride was exiting. I found a stall selling socks for 1,000 won! I bought panda socks with ears! PS Koreans love their socks and visors.
The Agima Squat
Korean old ladies squat like this for hours and develop strong legs and bad backs
Dave and Audrey hosted the party. We had a good turnout of CDI training buddies and new friends from their branch at Pyeongcheong. For living in a country that does not celebrate Halloween, we all came up with very impressive costumes ranging from notable movie characters to mocks of Korean life. We had the apartment party until midnight. We played flip cup and beer pong (on the floor--check the triangle). Sadly there are no Solo cups in Korea. Afterwards, we took the party to the Norebong and sang our hearts out. Christie's karaoke cherry was popped when we sang a soulful rendition of Dancing Queen by ABBA. Classic choice eh? --Canadia speak because there are so many in Korea! The night ended by 4am for me. Some of the hardcore Halloweeners took the party to yet another Norebong! Apparently on karaoke session is not enough especially if you are led by Dave, a Filipino --Filipinos are obsessed with karaoke.

Tiff the bird?, Dave as the Joker, & Me the Agima
Sharing a piece of Christie's Sexy Kimbap Skirt

The next morning we woke up in Dave and Audrey's apartment filled with seaweed, soju, and pieces of costumes. We nursed our hangover with the spiciest chicken potato casserole at a restaurant. Bad choice. We should have just gotten Lotteria or McDonalds. After separating ways, we vowed to hang out again soon or atleast have Thanksgiving in the works. It was a soju filled Halloween made better by the most fun and creative English teachers in Seoul.
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