Sunday, December 23, 2012

Welcome to Canada

We arrived around 1 pm into Toronto International Airport. Going through immigration was simple, straight forward and best of all, not as busy as Los Angeles. We grabbed our suitcases and made our way to the arrivals gate to find Dave's mom and her partner John. It had been more than 3 years since we last stepped foot on Canadian soil and Dave's family was more than eager to see him in the flesh.

Tears of joy ran down his mom's face when they embraced. It was a sweet reunion that we could all cherish at least for the next eleven days we were in Canada. The winter was mild in the sense there was no snow, just below freezing temperature and wind. We were hoping for a white Christmas, but it wasn't looking likely. We drove 2.5 hours back to Kingston only stopping once for lunch at Harvey's, Canada’s answer to McDonald's or Burger King. Dave of course ordered a poutine, grabbing it away from me anytime he could. He and his mom caught up on life on that ride back. I fell asleep after the halfway point lunch break and woke right outside of his hometown, Kingston.

When we walked into his home, it was like we walked into a Hallmark moment. His house was filled with Christmas decorations with Christmas villages adorning each main room. His mom had a story to tell about each decoration even pointing out the one lighthouse Dave never finished painting.

We were also greeted by his sister Kendra and her boyfriend Sean, whom we had never met although they had been dating for more than a year and living in St. John’s – the Maine of Canada. His big brother Peter and his wife Lena also came over a little later and we all sat around the fireplace trading quick updates on life and bringing up old memories.

Dave's Birthday Meal at Red Lobster

That night, we went out to celebrate not only everyone's return, but to celebrate their birthdays just as they did when they were younger – at Red Lobster. Funny how Dave requested this particular restaurant as Ontario is nowhere near the ocean nor lobsters, but this was a treat even if the seafood had been driven/flown from hundreds of miles away. The nine of us sat down at a long table enjoying shrimp, crab, lobster a plenty and Dave's mom took in this moment cherishing that all her children were gathered together for Christmas.

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