But for me it's all about finding out something about a place, and something about yourself. And when you get off the beaten track, that's where you find out what there is to find out. -The Beach
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
First Term Remembered
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cowboy kills Bear
These are the rules to the best icebreaker ever! In college, when my friends and I were drunk, we came up with our own version of the timeless and classic game of "Rock-Paper-Scissors." Two people stand back to back. The rest of your friends would count "1, 2, 3, GO!" Next, the two participants would turn around quickly and display either a bear, ninja or cowboy. The bear stance is where both hands are raised in the air imitating a bear attack. The ninja stance is where the body is positioned low with one hand forward and the other hand back ready to do a ninja "chop." The cowboy stance is where both hands are drawn like guns in a duel. Whenever my friends and I would play this game, we would laugh hysterically and have fun.
This week is Week 1 of my 2nd term as an English instructor. With one term under my belt, I've had sometime to reflect and improve my teaching methods. One aspect of teaching that is difficult to accomplish is getting students to trust you and like you. This is best accomplished the first day of class. In the past few days, I've been attending Workshops that demonstrate proper class structure and effective teaching methods. One of the most important parts of the first class is done after explaining the syllabus and before starting the class material: The icebreaker. Most people hate icebreakers because they are cheesy, boring, and a waste of time. The icebreaker is crucial in forming the connection between authority (me) and the punks (the students). In the past, I've used the ever popular 2 truths, 1 lie game. This has been quite effective, but still did not get the students motivated. Nevertheless, I did excite intrigue between us. As my previous posts shows, I would write:
1. I have been to more than 20 countries.
2. I have eaten a spider.
3. I speak Korean.
The lie is that I speak Korean. This lie was helpful because my first and most important class rule is: No Korean. Only English. Then, I would get my students to do 2 truths and 1 lie of their own. The student's creativity is usually limited to:
1. I have a brother.
2. I have a sister.
3. I have been to America.
So now that that I have started a new term, I want to begin shining establishing that connection of trust quickly. The Bear-Ninja-Cowboy worked so well this week. I have only used it with the elementary level students. At the young ages between 9 and13, students seem to be more willing to try different things, are not embarrassed, and want to impress the class. Luckily, I got everyone to participate and the class responded with uproars of laughter. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
With the middle school level students, Bear-Ninja-Cowboy would never work. Middle schoolers are shy: of me & of each other. It's the whole "girl-boy" issue. The 2 truths, 1 lie icebreaker seems to work though. This week, I've gotten more creative responses such as:
1. I have a boyfriend.
2. I have been lost in a jungle at midnight.
3. I speak 4 languages.
The lie is actually "I have a boyfriend." Of course these middle school students wouldn't have boyfriends! They can't even own up to having friends of the opposite gender! One student actually was lost in a jungle because she used to live in the Congo in Africa. Another student did in fact speak 4 languages: Korean, English, Chinese, & Filipino. Unlike American students, Korean students are forced to learn more than 1 language at school and in academies after school.
Although it's only Day 2 of Week 1, this term feels like it's going to be great. I'm guessing I received good evaluations and recommendations from my head instructors and the students from last term because this term I am teaching 27 hours and all Eagle Reading & Listening class, plus 2 Memory Giga classes. Eagle is one of the top levels. The hierarchy is as follows:
Memory Tera
Memory Giga
Memory Mega
I was surprised I was given a listening class because I have never taught it nor have I been trained. My favorite classes last term were my Bridge Reading classes. Everyone warned me in the beginning that Bridge Reading Middle Schoolers are the worst to teach because they sit like rocks. These classes ended up being my favorite because I felt like what I was teaching was not only getting across to the students, but also being retained. Plus, we would crack each other up with quips about each other, such as the boys having too many girlfriends, smoking cigars, or drinking too much soju.
The best part about Week 1 is seeing my former students. As much laughter, grief, or silence any of them gave me, they all have greeted me warmly before and after class and during the breaks. Many of my colleagues have come up to me saying, "'I have ________ in my class. He/She loves you and won't stop talking about you!." There is no better feeling when a student not only can remember your name, but also has positive things to say about you to his/her current teacher. Many of my kids have popped into my new classroom, tugged on me in the hallway, and even given me hugs. I hope my euphoria lasts 12 more weeks...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chi-Pa-Moo = Scissors, Paper, Rock & Other Teaching Tips

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Junggye Branch Bonding

Lucretia, Kristen, & Me
Lucretia, Kristen & Me: Rarrrrr!
Me & Shakha: Isn't that the sweetest name?
Eugene & Jenny: We Just Wanna Dance
Branch Bowling Tournament: Captain in Stretch Pants
Every November, Chung Dahm gets the 7 main branches together for a bowling tournament. The winner gets to split a pot of 500,000 won between 10 players. I, who is always down for some competitive fun, decide to show up. My Faculty Manager (FM) decides to make me captain of the A team. As the most unskilled branch at the tournament, our strategy was to make the A team the bad team and the B team the winning team. Not even strategy could help us. The A team ended with a total score from 2 games of 600ish, while every other branch had well over 1200. The B team almost made it to playoffs, but were ousted by a mere 100 or less. We were not sore losers, but left our mark at the bowling tournment with empty soju, orange juice, and cider bottles. We were clearly the worst team, but the most fun--and drunk. Nevertheless, it's about sport, fun, and branch bonding. Hopefully next year, we recruit better talent.
Clear Confusion Of Who Is On What Team
This week is Week 13--the last week of the term. I finally made it a whole term! This week should be cake because the students already know if they leveled up and really don't care about the lessons. They just want the party and movie. The first few weeks of the term, I was a horrible teacher, according to my head instructors. Now, I'm a lot more comfortable and have grown quite close with my students. We can joke and they understand me. We can play and stay on task. A lot of them leveled up to Bridge Reading, which I won't be teach next term sadly because I could have had the same students. I've developed such relationships with these students and now I have to start all over again with a new batch of 60+ students next week. Oh icebreakers...
Teach-uhh! Hallow-ween-uhh!

Tiff the bird?, Dave as the Joker, & Me the Agima
Sharing a piece of Christie's Sexy Kimbap Skirt

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Girls Weekend in Jeonju
Bibimbap: Traditonal Korean Dish
We took a bus from the Express Bus Terminal on a Saturday morning at 10am. We had missed our 9am bus because the night before was supposed to be a easy night in Hongdae with wine and hookah, which turned out to be a dance party drunk fest until 5am. Christie had a friend, Keyonna, from the states visiting for 3 weeks and this was her last weekend in Korea. In retrospect, you can't really hold back if it is your last weekend anywhere. Jessie met us and we nursed our hangovers with disgusting Lotteria--Korean version on McDonalds or fast food. It is the worst fast food I have ever eaten, but Korean food is not the alternative when you need to nurse a hangover. Our bus ride was 3 hours from Seoul. When we got to the bus terminal we hopped in a taxi and asked for Bookdae. I had met a guy in Busan in my last visit who had lived in Jeonju. He told me that Bookdae was the university area where all the "life" is. We told the driver to take us to Bookdae, which was down the street. At first he took us to the Lotte Department store. Our Konglish isn't very good yet. We finally got the point across that we wanted to go to the university area, Thank goodness Jeonju is so small that a taxi anywhere is 2,000 won. The first thing we did was look for a place to sleep. For foreigners, the most popular choice is to stay at the love motels. These are motels meant solely for the hookup. Cars driving plates will be covered so that no one knows who is there. In the rooms are yos--korean floor mat for sleeping, and everything you'd need for grooming (combs, shaving cream, shampoo, soap, deodorant plus plenty of tissues.) These love motels are shady motels for Koreans to do their "business" equipped with everything you'd need to keep appearances afterwards. For foreigners, these love motels are ideal because they are typically 30,000 won per night and have everything you'd need if you didn't pack correctly. Plus, you can stuff as many people as you want inside. We had 4.
After an hour of walking, we found a love motel tucked away in an alley. It was 40,000 won for the night and we took it. After settling in, we ventured in Jeonju. We were hungry after the 3 hour bus ride, so we decided to get that famous bibimbap. We went to a a seemingly descent perhaps even higher class restaurant and ordered what looked like bibimbap in the picture. It turned out to be roughly hot dog soup. We sat on the floor as usual and on our table was a huge pot filled with pork, hot dogs, ramen, rice cake, and spices. Never again.
Filled to the brim with hot dog soup, we walked it off at the famous battle fortress, which was less than impressive. It was literally a brick wall with a roof. Walking towards sounds of life, we passed by the famous catholic church. It was actually an impressive church and looked much like a smaller version of the Notre Dame in Paris inside. They started having service and we walked out. We followed the sounds of life and walked to the Hanuk Village. A section of Jeonju has a traditional village with cultural stores and ancient artifacts such as ancient riding carriages, photos, and emperors thrones. When we walked in, we were greeted by a massive motorcade of Harley Davidson motorbiking Koreans. They too were tourists and visiting the Hanuk Folk Village. Intrigued by us and our western looks, they insisted on taking pictures. We met the head of the pack, Tony. Despite the rough gruff motorbike look he sported, he was actually a doctor and professor at Korea University in Seoul. Unwilling to give him my phone number, I lied and said I left my phone. I did take his number and their homepage on Naver--the Korean google. These guys were something out of a bad movie. They were wearing jean cutoff jackets with rebel flags on the bag, which I wonder if they know anything about American history. They all did drive Harleys. They offered us a ride. We accepted, but ended up just talking and waving goodbye to them. Only in Jeonju..
Hanuk Folk Village
New Friends: Korean Harley Davidson Hell's Angels
Late in the evening and bored with the village, we left and walked around Jeonju's market. It was not a market, but a rotund of shops where you could haggle for items such as visors--Koreans love their visors. Christie was freezing and forgot to bring a coat to Korea. Damn those airlines and their two 50lb bag limit. We found our first thrift store. She managed to find a sweater and I was even more lucky! I found my Halloween costume! Korea doesn't celebrate Halloween, but just because I am in Korea doesn't mean I won't celebrate. I bought a bright "Lisa Frank" style dress that Agima's (Korean old lady) would wear. Next door, I bought a matching visor, that could double as a welding mask. I finally have my very own visor! The market was terrible, but I managed to get a costume. Yay!
Christie and Me: New Visors & Possible Christmas Card
Exhausted, we decided that a jimjilbong visit was in order. A jimjilbong is a Korean bath house that costs less than 7,000 won. Many people, or at least drunk people, tend to sleep there because they are open 24 hours and provide yos. They have multiple rooms with various saunas, baths, and massages. We took a cab out of Jeonju to their famous jimjilbong according to Lonely Planet. Turns out, this specific jimjilbong was being renovated. Boo. 30 min 30,000 won cab for nothing. Defeated, we retreated to our love motel, ordered fried chicken and pizza thanks to the agima at the front desk. We ate to our stomach's content. To fill our heart's content, Coyote Ugly was on TV! After we all fell asleep to Korean anime porn. Yes, there are soft core porn cartoons after midnight on cable. Gross.
Girls Weekend Warriors: Keyyona, Christie, Me, and Jessie
The next day, we woke up around 1pm. Living in Korean leaves very little room for one of life's basic necessities--sleep. Guided by the Lonely Planet, we went to a restaurant famous for its bibimbap. Way too overpriced, we ate mediocre bibimbap for 10,000. Jessie couldn't eat because she was feeling sick. She wasn't used to eating fried chicken and pizza like Christie and I were. After lunch, we went back to the Hanuk fold village thinking we were going to get traditional acupuncture treatment. The place turned out to be an information center on traditional medicine. At least, Christie made traditional soap. Disappointed, we decided to make our own soju--popular Korean drink. We went to the building where this was done, but apparently they weren't doing it that day because it was a holiday. We did buy some tasty cinnamon soju that was served to us at the bibimbap restaurant. It tastes like cinnamon cider wassail. Delish! Done with Jeonju, we exchanged our 8pm bus tickets for an earlier bus at 4pm. We took the 3 hour bus trip back to Seoul exhausted and uncomfortable on the non-airconditioned bus.
Christie, Me, and Keyyona: Sippin' Cinnamon Soju
At no point did we see the coast, the massive ancient structures, or have any of the famous tasty bibimbap. Nevertheless, the girls weekend away in Jeonju was great because I got to have girl time, gossip, drink, sleep for hours, and I found a Halloween costume in a country who doesn't celebrate Halloween!
Englishee Teecha vs. Wild
We live in Taereung, which is only 5 stops from Suraksan subway stop. When reached street level, dozens of food stalls and hiking gear stalls lined the street. We bought cut up pork, kimbap, Korean style Funyuns, rice cakes filled with sweet yam, and mok kolee (carbonated wine that gives you wings). As we made our way through the stalls towards the mountain, it was amazing to see that the most common hiker was over 60. These Koreans are in such good shape! They climb everyday of the week. If you ever ride the subway in Seoul, you'll know why they're in such good shape. There are mountains of stairs everywhere! When we reached the mountain, it seemed like everyone was on their way down. Christie had gone a couple days before to relax before work, but this path was new to her. The best thing to do in this situation is follow the Koreans.
We started our ascent at 2:30pm. As we went up the way everyone was coming down, we realized this wasn't the easiest path to the top. We traversed through thick brush, unsteady rocks, grabbing onto any branch in site. It took us about an hour and a half to reach what we thought was the top. We finally stopped around 4pm on a large rock where other groups had stopped since it was the first major lookout from Suraksan. We could see the whole of Nowongu. At mid afternoon, the sky was still hazy and the sun was bright. I had to take off my sweater I was so hot from the trek up. We sat down and had our feast. The pork and kimbap turned out to be full of fat and dry respectfully. The rice cakes were amazing though. Not wanting to give up, I wanted to make sure that we were at the "top." We decided to go up further and see what was at the rock above us. We find that at the rock, the trail continued. We ascended another 45 minutes. Christie felt like her lungs were collapsing. The air is so much better in the mountains, but it does get thinner. I told her that this was a sign of her getting stamina. He he. When we finally did reach the top at 5:30pm, there was an ancient-style Korean pavilion filled with the few Koreans left hiking. We sat down and chatted with a Korean couple who could not understand anything we said and vice-versa. We used body languagee instead. He said we were not dressed properly and it was cold. This is the best of our conversations with the locals by the way. From the pavilion, we saw a huge mountain face lined with stairs, rope and fencing. It looked like a scene from Indian Jones. We decided that the next time we hiked, we would go all the way to the top of the face and claim Suraksan mission accomplished. As we looked out with the sun setting, we could see more of Seoul. Bright lights and white buildings filled our panoramic view. I thought to myself, "I am really in Korea and this is the best thing I've done yet."
At this point, it was getting cold and my fleece sweater was not going to hold up to the bitter evening. Since our trip up was so rough and torturing to our hamstrings, we wanted the descent to be slow and relaxing. Unfortunately, we were racing the sun. We needed to get back to civilization and there weren't any Koreans around. If they aren't around, then you should panic. As we climbed down, there was a lot of scooting on our butts, tripping over tree roots and I actually managed to slip and fall and roll down the side of the mountain--at least 2 meters. I froze thinking I broke something. Christie stopped breathing and got lightheaded--ya know because she stopped breathing. Luckily, my butt broke my fall and I had only slightly rolled on my right side. I truly wanted to conquer Suraksan without a scratch, but of course it was my damned "hiking gear." Advice: never hike with sneakers. We continued our descent and were getting nervous about never getting back. An interesting part down had a rope connected between two trees. We had to straddle the rope--because Christie had seen this done on Discovery Channel--and climb backwards holding onto the rope. This is when we truly felt like mountain women. After 45 minutes of climbing down, we gained slight night vision, but that was not going to get us down. We finally actually saw some life. Christie held me back and said, "We can't go over there! I think that's a mountain lion." I saw it stand and raise its arms, so I thought it was a bear. Actually, it was a Korean man getting out his flashlight. How smart of him! Thank goodness we found him because I was mentally preparing myself for a night in the wilderness of Suraksan cuddling next to mountain lions. Speaking absolutely no Hangul or English, we traversed down in the unsettling night. Christie led as I followed, while the Korean man took the caboose to light the way. It took us only 45 minutes to go from the top all the way down to the street stalls. When we were racing the sun and darkness, it felt much more like hours because our minds were racing with the possibilities of being lost or eaten. All we wanted to do was see Taereung and lay in our comfortable yo-topped beds. FYI--a yo is a Korean floor mat used for sleeping. Actual beds with mattresses are so uncomfortable that laying a yo between the mattress and fitted sheet makes a mattress feel like heaven. Seeing the bright lights and signs of Korean life on the street made us feel so happy. I couldn't believe I was actually stepping on pavement. After a day of sweating, huffing and puffing, eating gross pork, falling down the mountain, dirty and beat up, and being lost, I would say that it was all very worth it. This experience was truly the best experience I've had in Korea. The experience was made better because I had my Korea bestie Christie to share it with. My Korea enlightenment has been reached and I found it at the peak of Suraksan.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Subway Ettiquette
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ho Bar Birthdays
Birthday Girls: Kristen (24) & Me (23)

Baskin Robbins Birthday Cake + Shot

Having our cake & eating it too!

Trying to get Shaun (head instructor) in the action.

Drinks from a street stall. Only 3,000 won for a strong drink from the street!

Me, Paula, & Kristen: The October Birthdays
This year I had 2 birthday celebrations. Kristen, a fellow colleague at Junggye, was born on Oct 2nd and I was born on Oct 4th. Instead of having separate birthday celebrations, we decided to have one blowout celebration at Ho Bar in Hongdae. Hongdae is the a very popular "hipster" scene in Korea. Because Hongik University is in Hongdae, the area boasts a heavy young clubbing/bar hopping crowd who dress way more trendy than I ever did in college. Ho Bar is so famous in Hongdae that there are 5 of them! We went to Ho Bar 3, which is one of the larger bars with great lounge and booth seating. Everyone chipped in for 2 bottles of Absolut. The best part is that each come with humongous fruit platters. Also, Kristen's friends surprised us both with a cake from Baskin Robbins. The Thursday evening was a success. We had about 10 instructors plus 3 head instructors come celebrate us. Needless to say, it may not be the best idea to drink with your bosses because you can lose all inhibition. You end up revealing way more that you want to to the people who grade your CCTV and are in charge of promotion or demotion. The conversations were a little embarrassing, but were more funny to think about the next day especially when facing the head instructors at work.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Birthday, Boozing, & Fireworks

Every year since I was 16, I have been trying to top the last year's birthday. At 18, I took my first road trip to Austin, TX and went skydiving. At 20, I had a blowout birthday limo that took 30 of my friends around Times Square in NYC. At 21, I was on the Semester at Sea ship docked in Singapore. At 22, I was a a CEOs & Tennis Pro's Senior Night (college costume party).
This year has definitely topped the last. October 4, 1985 is my birthday. On October 4, 2008, I had the best day I've ever had in Korea. Christie created an event to get all the people we had met over the past few weeks together at Yeoido Island. It's like Randall's Island in New York City. The October 4th weekend is a Korean holiday.

Thousands gathered starting at 2pm on Yeoido Island to watch Fireworks at 7pm