Monday, February 9, 2015

Stay strong

30 Day Shred - Day 14

It's Monday. It's OK though. I'm going on week 3 of the 30 Day Shred and I'm feeling strong. I know this week is going to be a toss up because I've got my 6 year anniversary tomorrow night and Valentine's Day on Saturday.

I looked forward to my four egg white plus one whole egg omelet today. Sometimes I think this must be bad - too much of a good thing is always bad right?

At lunch I smelled everyone else's food. There were so many Indian and Asian stir fry aromas in the kitchen. God I miss pad khee mao. It's my favourite food I usually eat on a weekly basis. I'm going on three weeks without it!

I stayed strong. I heated up my spinach, pumpkin, chickpea salad and chomped away. These salads seem to never end. I chew and chew, but my cheeks fill up rather than my stomach. I take a long time to eat as you can tell, but once I've finished the meal, I'm satisfied and no longer crave those stir fries and curries.

Work has been more demanding and I don't get home till after 7pm. Thank goodness Emily Skye though of at-home workouts for us time poor dieters. Bring on tonight's arms workout!

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